KL Marketing was started to help enable small businesses to grow their customer base simply by using Craigslist ads to get new customers. Most small business use craigslist as a source of free advertising. But many of their ads are hard to read or simply are too boring to be noticed by potential customers.
That's where KL Marketing can help. We design custom ad templates with color and pictures that makes your company stand out among the competition.
KL Marketing designs custom ad templates for you to use in your craigslist ads. We DO NOT post ads for you! We simply design custom templates and email you the html code that you can copy and paste into your craigslist ads.
KL Marketing only makes custom ads for 1 company per industry per city. For example, one of our clients is a pool cleaning company in Phoenix, AZ. We WILL NOT make any more ads for any other pool cleaning companies in Phoenix. But we will make ads for pool cleaning companies in other metro areas. The first company to hire us in their industry becomes our exclusive company for that service industry in that metro area!
Here are some examples of templates we created for one of our customers:
Our prices are as follows:
1 Custom Craigslist Ad: $50
2 Custom Craigslist Ads: $80
3 Custom Craigslist Ads: $100
To purchase your Custom Ads please use the Paypal button below:
More examples:
Friday, May 21, 2010
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